Inflation Batam not influenced the Global Crisis

Consumer price index (CPI) in 16 cities on the island of Sumatra in November 2008, recorded 10 cities experiencing inflation. Meanwhile, six other cities experiencing deflation. Batam city, including that the inflation rate of 0.60 percent. However, inflation in Batam no influence with the global recession.
"This is the price rise and the needs of the community in Batam," said Head of Statistics Section Distribution Central Statistics Agency (BPS) City of Batam.
Inflation in the City of Batam, said Susan influenced by the price rise of five groups of goods and services, namely food groups s0, 64 percent, so the food groups, drink, cigarettes and tobacco 0.06 percent, 1.36 percent of the group housing, clothing group 1.15 percent, the group transpot and communications, and financial services 0.14 percent.
Conversely, group health and group education, recreation and sports had experienced a decrease in the index each 0.01 percent and 0.02 percent. "Essentially we are still able to control the inflation rate from the global recession that occurred at this time," commentator Susan.
There is also growth in the inflation rate since January and November 2008 at the City of Batam as 8.54 percent. Meanwhile, the inflation rate year on year from November 2008 to November 2007 at 8.74 percent.

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