Tips Avoiding Credit Card Fraud

THIS is still related to the fraudulent actions of someone who claim a credit card customer service Bank X, especially the billing. Well, after receiving the phone, I also directly contact the phone number of Bank X and ask an employee of the identity named Angga.

Once checked, the name does not appear to have no identity, and the bank did not contact the customernya using the mobile phone number. Nah, how to avoid these tips to avoid becoming victims of fraud mengatasnamakan with the credit card billing, so andapun menstranfer money or even credit cards by their dibobol. This is the tips;

1. Do not want to direct bill payment digiring matter, because you get every month billing (newspaper accounts) from the bank. Ceklah amount of your bill.

2nd Do not serve the number of mobile phone, because the bank you use the office number when contacting the customer. Or, record (store) the number of banks is to be known.

3. Do not mention 14-digit credit card number that you listed in the front of your credit card.

4. Do not mention the three-digit credit card number you located on the back of your credit card (except for the blogger to open paypal account, because they have a credit card verification and it is concealed by Paypal).

5. Do not mention your credit card password (password is the name of the mother's uterus) but really from the banks.

6. If you believe someone is trying to deceive you, immediately turn off the phone and say in itself. Sorry I can not serve you ...

Here are some tips to avoid so you do not become victims of fraud or crime victims.

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